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How do I book my trip?2022-03-30T11:09:30+00:00

There are three ways you can book with us. Firstly, you can visit our shop at 12a Risca Road in Newport, NP20 4JW. Secondly, you can email Alternatively, you can call us on 01633 897002.

Do you book school trips?2022-03-30T11:09:30+00:00

Yes, we book school trips and can help you book a tailor-made tour for your school.

Do you offer tailor-made tours?2022-03-30T11:09:30+00:00

Yes we do and you can find out more about them under the group tours section then select tailor-made tours on our website.

Is there a tour guide?2022-03-30T11:09:30+00:00

Tour guides are included in the prices on our pre-made trips. For tailor-made we can add a tour guide if required.

Do we have to pay for the driver?2022-03-30T11:09:30+00:00

No. We cover the cost of the drivers hotel/food if necessary.

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